Neutral and Custom Diaper Cakes
If you have a request for a different brand of diaper feel free to email me with your request. Since these cakes are customized the pricing is different for each cake depending on how large you would like the cake to be and what you would like to include. I can also work within your budget if you tell me how much you are willing ot spend and what type of cake you want I can design a cake to fit your budget.
Below is pricing based on a simple cake and a more complex cake.
Simple cakes
These cakes are simple and include diapers, ribbon decorations and a small cake topper based on your theme
2 tier cake (height 12") - approximatley 48 diapers - Starting at $45.00
3 tier cake (height 16") - approximatley 60 diapers - Starting at $58.00
4 tier cake (height 20") - approximatley 72 diapers - Starting at $67.00
Custom Diaper Cakes
These cakes are more complex and have more toys and add on's for the baby. I can customize these from the recipients registry, or you can give me a theme and I can design the cake for you. Your cake will be custom ordered depending on how much you want to put on it. When you order your cake with me you can tell me how much you want to spend on the add on's for the cake and I can make the cake fit into your budget.
Add on's include things such as:
Small stuffed animals
Baby toys
Scratch mittens
Bath supplies
Hair ribbons
Ordering information
If you would like to order a custom diaper cake please email me at info@elaboratememories.com or call me at 225-933-0654 to discuss your custom cake. Please include your name, contact information (phone/email), how large you would like the cake to be (2 tier, 3 tier, 4 tier), what theme you would like, sex of baby (boy, girl or unknown), the name of the recipient and where they are registered (babies r us, target, walmart, etc.) and what you would like included on the cake (pacifiers, blankets, stuffed animals, outfits, teethers, toys, bath supplies, lotions, etc.). With this information I can give you a price quote on your custom cake.
I require payment before I ship the final product. When you contact me regarding your cake I will give you a price quote and will begin designing your cake if you agree to the price. Shipping can be arranged also.

How To Order from Elaborate Memories...
1-225-933-0654 (8 am to 8 pm CST, Monday - Saturday) or e-mail info@elaboratememories.com. If you’d like a call-back, send us your phone number and the best times to call. To order, please call
We do not offer an online shopping cart. For security reasons you should not e-mail your credit card information.
Out of State? We ship! About our shipping: Each situation is unique and we will discuss with you all of your shipping options. You are always welcome to arrange your own shipping or pickup directly from us.